Kristen Luschen

Five College Professor of Education Studies
Hampshire College Professor Kristen Luschen
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Kristen Luschen
Franklin Patterson Hall 210

On sabbatical from fall 2024 and spring 2025.

Kristen Luschen, Five College professor of education studies, received her B.A. and M.A. in sociology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She received her doctorate in cultural foundations of education and a certificate of advanced study in women's studies from Syracuse University.

Her research and teaching explores how cultural conceptions of youth shape school culture and policy and the experiences of young people in them. Professor Luschen's research has examined how adult female educators working within the umbrella of pregnancy prevention services at an urban school district struggled to provide access to services and sexuality education for all young people in their district.

Her current research examines how local educators in small schools struggle to meet the mandates of the No Child Left Behind Act. Professor Luschen and her students have created a documentary, The Cost of Accountability: Teaching under the No Child Left Behind Act, which explores the experiences of these educators. She teaches courses in sociology of education, qualitative and feminist methodology, gender studies, and cultural studies of education.