About the Library
Educating for change: A Vision for the Hampshire Library
The Hampshire College library is a dynamic hub of people, technology, and information that serves as an incubator of ideas across all disciplines. Educating for change demands comprehension of the past and vision for the future. The library's innovative and risk-taking intellectual environment fosters new ways of creating knowledge and understanding.
We aspire to:
- Serve as a welcoming social and intellectual center of the College.
- Partner with students, faculty, and staff in reimagining the library.
- Embrace transformations in research and collections, building on the foundational collaboration between collections, technology, and media to redefine library services.
- Create connections between people, tools, and ideas.
- Empower a creative and energetic staff to experiment, expand the library's reach across campus, and anticipate student needs in a rapidly changing world.
- Adapt and design collections, formats, and access to promote an open learning environment.
We can help you with:
- Finding a topic for a paper or project
- Finding research materials (articles, books, music, films, images, etc.) for papers and projects
- Finding, checking out, and renewing library materials
- Requesting materials outside of the Five Colleges via interlibrary loan (ILL)
- Navigating course reserves and bookings
- Figuring out computer programs and software
- Using media for projects and presentations
- Using Moodle course websites
- Printing and copying
- Plus referrals and resources for further expert help!
About the Library
- Hours
- Featured spaces
- Off-campus access
- Policies, loan periods, equipment, and building use
- Annual Reports
- Staff
Facts and Figures
Collections, as of June 2023:
- 130,097 Books (volumes)
- 590,174 E-books
- 9,640 Journals (bound volumes or issues))
- 81,084 E-Journals (online) Subscriptions
- 156 Databases
- 243,190 Streaming audio & video
- 3,410 Div IIIs (digital and physical, but excluding A/V)
- 5,570 Audio (CD)
- 5,012 Video (film, VHS, DVD)
- 893 16mm Films
- 567 Games
- 80 Seed varieties
- 2,000 Zines
- 1,158 Media and Tech equipment
- 1,013 Special collections and archives (books, art objects, collections)