Division II Committee Request Process
This fall, students who entered in fall 2020 as first-years, and fall 2021 as transfer students, will participate in a mandatory process designed to help you identify faculty to work with in Division II. Even if you are fulfilling a remaining requirement for Division I, you will be expected to participate to be on track to pass Division I and file Division II no later than the Division II filing deadline of February 17, 2022. By mid to late October, you will have an assigned chair and a member assigned as your Division II committee. If you have already identified faculty to work with, be sure to enter their names on the request form, and indicate you communicated with this person.
In September and October there will be a number of events organized by the Center for Academic Support and Advising (CASA), the academic schools, and programs to help students learn about possible areas of concentration, programs, and faculty. Be sure to check your Hampshire email and the Intranet for dates/locations of CASA and other workshops.
Timeline for fall:
- By September 23: You must fill out and submit a Division II Committee request on TheHub. The form is fairly brief and asks for some same information that will become part of your Division II contract. Log on to TheHub and click “Division II.” On the left menu, click “committee request.” Fill out accordingly. You are asked to list 1-3 areas of study and 3-5 possible faculty members, and characterize your concentration interests and goals. At this stage, the ideas and information on the request form are expected to be conversation starters, necessarily not as fully formed and detailed as on the Division II contract. Faculty will be able to locate students by study area, by other faculty requested and by student name, so be sure to keep this in mind when filling out the form.
- September 24 through the October 8: Faculty members will indicate on your request form whether they agree to chair, and/or would be willing to member. You are encouraged to speak to faculty you have included in your form, and you will hear for sure who your committee will be at the same time as the other students participating.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What if I miss the deadline to submit the form?
A: You will not be able to complete the form online. Contact CASA at x 5498 or advising@hampshire.edu to speak to a dean.
Q: What if the faculty member I’m interested in is listed as on leave or sabbatical?
A: You can include that individual in your faculty list, but it’s possible that that person will only be available to meet with you once until the faculty member has returned to campus.
Q: How do I find out who my committee will be?
A: In early November you will receive an email directing you to check your Division II forms on TheHub to see who your chairperson and member will be. It is important that you follow up with your committee in person.
Q: Who will authorize me to pre-register for next semester’s classes?
A: You are encouraged to speak to your new Division II chair about your course selections, but your Division I advisor will authorize you to pre-register. That person will remain your official advisor until you complete your Division II contract on TheHub and it is signed by your committee.
We wish you the best for a productive semester; feel free to contact Zena Clift in CASA with any questions or concerns. Have a great semester!