Work Study Employment
There are a variety of employment opportunities and experiences available to eligible work-study students.
Hampshire students take ownership of everything that connects their lives on campus. Being part of Hampshire is a whole new way of life, centered on community.
Our students do nothing by halves, merging their social, personal, political, recreational, and intellectual lives through passionate participation in a varied array of clubs, organizations, and activities. Here you'll find a list of resources available to you, from more information on meal plans and OneCards to student groups, the Hampshire Post Office, and more. Hampshire offers a wealth of resources to support your academic, physical, social, and mental well-being.
Have a GEO meeting in the FPH WLH? Here's a guide to what it all means.
There are a variety of employment opportunities and experiences available to eligible work-study students.
Academic clubs, sports teams, identity-based groups, and more. Hampshire is home to a variety of students groups/organizations.
A listing of hours of operation for campus offices, buildings, and centers.
Understand the basics of community norms and academic policies.
The Hampshire College post office provides most of the services available at the U.S. Post Office.
The OneCard is your official identification here at Hampshire College and it is issued to every student and employee.
What's part of your meal plan? What are Hamp Dollars? Learn more about what's available to you and get answers to all your questions.
Learn everything about campus living here at Hampshire, from policies and practices to the residences themselves.
Events happening around campus, hosted by Hampshire community members.
Hampshire's academic schedule has dates for registration, divisional deadlines and more.