The Five College Consortium

One of the country's most exciting and active educational collaborations

Hampshire’s founders were Amherst, Smith, and Mount Holyoke Colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. They set out to create a lab of an undergraduate institution, experimenting with how a college could be a more effective intellectual and moral force in the world. Part of the plan: share the resources of all five schools.

Five College Departments and Majors

Accelerated Master's Programs

Working with UMass Amherst, students may complete both the bachelor's and master's degree in the following areas:

  • Economics
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
  • Plant Biology
  • Political Science
  • Public Policy and Administration
  • Sustainability Studies

Five College Resources

Accessibility services

Students with disabilities may obtain accommodations and services when taking courses at any of the Five Colleges.


Clubs & Organizations

Most clubs, intramural sports, and extracurricular activities on each Five College campus are open to Five College students. The exception is varsity sports, which in most cases are not open to students from other campuses.


Lgbtq resources

A rich assortment of campus and community organizations and resources support LGBTQ students and advocate for the respect and safety of all members of their communities


Multicultural Resources

Organizations and resources support students of color through programs and workshops, fostering leadership skills, student affinity groups, student leadership opportunities, and more.


Religious & Spiritual Life

Respective programs seek to stimulate and nurture spiritual development, religious practice, tolerance, and social engagement consistent with the values of academic freedom, mutual respect, diversity, and interfaith dialogue.


Student Event Funding

The Student Coordinating Board, made up of student leaders from each campus, often has funds available to support events aimed at bringing together students from all five campuses.