Mission and Goals


To create vibrant alumni communities in key geographic areas, and to facilitate their connection back to the College.


Volunteer committees in New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Boston will work with alumni and family relations staff to:

  • Program events and meet-ups for alums
  • Create opportunities to support career networking and alumni connectivity
  • Encourage alums to support the College through prospective-student recruitment, volunteering, and financial contributions

Member Job Description and Terms

Committee members develop and foster regional alumni communities, encouraging engagement among fellow alumni and guiding, developing, and supporting alumni activities, in close partnership with the College.

Volunteers will facilitate the exchange of information between alums from their regions and the College, aid in community outreach, and serve as ambassadors for Hampshire. Members serve a one-year term with the possibility of renewal.

  • Gather information on the needs and wants of alums in your region
  • As a member of a Regional Alumni Circle, be excited to offer thoughts on how to improve the structure of the program
  • Serve a one-year term with possible renewal
  • Attend a volunteer training facilitated by alumni and family relations staff
  • Attend the majority of regional alumni committee meetings
  • Participate in volunteer opportunities
  • Keep up to date with Hampshire news
  • Be an active participant in all alumni and family relations and College questionnaires and communications
  • Promote Hampshire in your social and professional circles through, for example, social media
  • Make an annual gift to the College

Co-chair Terms

Alumni Circle co-chairs will serve a one-year term with the possibility of renewal. A co-chair may have previously served as a committee member. In addition to meeting the member responsibilities, a co-chair will also:

  • Volunteer for the Hampshire Fund
  • Organize members of the committee and delegate responsibilities
  • Work with College staff liaisons to create annual goals and activity reports and ensure effective communication between volunteers and staff
  • In collaboration with staff, recruit committee members
  • Work closely with staff to hold regular meetings and develop agendas