Body Politics and Empowerment Week
Our bodies are social vehicles. Join us for Body Politics and Empowerment Week with programs that explore the impact of social systems and inequalities on the way in which we exist in our bodies on a daily basis. Together, let’s engage in activities that promote ways to achieve bodily empowerment in the face of these systems.
Monday 25th
- 3-5pm Pleasure, Health, and Self-Education: A Vagina Love Workshop for All Genders and All Bodies (Ella Hunt) / FPH Faculty Lounge
- 6-8 pm Fat Liberation Pizza Party (CFF) / Center for Feminisms
Tuesday the 26th
- 3-5 pm/ Critical Sexology (Ianka Mitchell) / ASH 221
- 5-6 pm/ Gender Expansiveness (GECO) / Center for Feminisms
- 7-8:30 pm / Express Yourself! DIY Fashion Workshop Affirming Queer and Trans Identities (NSE & ECG) / Center for Feminisms
Wednesday the 27th
- 3-5 pm / Losing the Weight of Diet Culture (Mallory Staub) / ASH 112
- 5-6:30 / Eating Disorders in Women of Color (HCS & Mae Fuller) / FPH 107
- 6-7:30/ Medical Transition & Minors (Ianka Mitchell)/ASH Lobby
- 7-8:30 / Div III Workshop: How Is patriarchy Held In The Body? (Dunan Herman-Parks) / Small Dance Studio - Music & Dance Building - RSVP on HampEngage
Thursday the 28th
- 2-4 pm Radical Futures through Fat Liberation (Center for Feminisms) / Kern 106
- KEYNOTE: 4-6 pm / The Physical is Political: The Radical Potential of Inclusiveness in Movement with Lore McSpadden / FPH West Lecture Hall
- 6-8 pm / Tender Creatures: Casting and Molding Our Bodies (OARS/Milo Bezark) / Arts Barn Room 2
Friday the 29th
- 8:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. / Own It: A Dance Party for All Bodies / Roos Rhode House
Saturday the 30th
- 5:30-7:30 / Body Politics Zine-Making with Res Life / Merrill Living Room
Sunday the 31st
- 3-5 pm / Soothing Sunday: Body Politics Cool Down with Res Life / Dakin Living Room
Join Us for These Body Informed and Empowered Drop In Classes
Monday the 25TH
- 12-1pm Body-Informed Strength and Conditioning (OPRA) / Multisport Weight Room - First Come First Serve
Tuesday the 26TH
- 12-1 / Mind and Body Self-Healing Practice (Spiritual Life) / Greenwich Donut 5
Wednesday the 27TH
- 12-1 pm / Drop in Body-Informed Spinning (OPRA) / Upstairs RCC - First Come First Serve
Thursday the 28TH
- 12-1 / Trauma-Informed Mindfulness Meditation for Everyone (Sharon Friedner) / Merrill Living Room
Friday the 29TH
- KEYNOTE: 1-2:30 / Exploring Movement as Personal Revolution with Lore McSpadden/ Main Dance Studio, Music and Dance Building
Look out for Body Politics & Empowerment and CLPP Conference Tables all week in the Kern from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and be sure to check out the Body Politics themed bulletin boards in Merrill and Dakin Halls!