Applications and Web Services

Hampshire is a collaborative institution, especially when it comes to technology. We work with several open source tools and we're a member of several collaborative, community-focused organizations such as The Five College ConsortiumCLAC, CLAMP, HESS, and HighEdWeb.

IT maintains the following systems to support Hampshire's web presence and technology needs across campus.

Account Management
Hampshire users can go to to change/recover their password, manage their email settings, and manage any sub-accounts or groups tied to their accounts.

Announcement System and Daily Digest
Hampshire announcements and events are listed on the Intranet and sent out each morning to faculty, staff, and students in a daily digest email. Anyone with a Hampshire login can add an announcement/event.

Astra Campus Reservation System
The event services staff uses Astra to provide assistance with the selection of appropriate space based on the type of meeting or event, anticipated attendance and required support services.

Ellucian Colleague is the College’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

Digital collections from the libraries of Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, and Smith College.

CWS (Community Websites)
A separate Moodle installation for collaboration among Hampshire and/or Five College community members.

Search for people or offices at Hampshire. Faculty, staff, and students have the ability to log in and change their preferred name and pronoun settings, as well as how they want their contact information displayed.

Open source content management system used to maintain, the Intranet, and the student handbook.

Events Calendar
The campus calendar, which is integrated with the academic calendar, is part of the Intranet. Anyone with a Hampshire login can post an event to the faculty, staff, student, and/or public calendars. The public calendar is viewable at

Forms and Surveys
Hampshire supports Qualtrics Research Suite for creating web forms and surveys.

Google Apps for Education
Online educational tools that provide opportunities for collaboration and productivity. Includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive, and more.

Web dashboard/reporting tool for viewing and reporting on official College records.

A portal to access Hampshire-specific announcements, events, and resources. The Intranet is accessible only with a Hampshire login.

Mailing lists for different groups and topics in the Hampshire community.

Open source learning management system used for course websites. Hampshire College is an active member of the Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project.

Short URLs
The domain is a URL shortener that students, staff, and faculty may use to create short links to Hampshire URLs.

Provides access to various administrative functions of the College, including, but not limited to, timecard processing and pay stubs, budget reports, course evaluations and registration, divisional contracts, and evaluations, and submitting IT tickets.

Wordpress Blogs and Faculty Websites
Open source content management system used for blogs and faculty sites.