Forms and Surveys


The Qualtrics Research Suite is a powerful tool for building complex surveys and analyzing data. Hampshire is using the new version of Qualtrics, which looks a bit different from the version shown in a lot of the existing documentation out there.

*New users: Click the link below and log in to automatically create your account.  Click "No" on the prompt for an existing Qualtrics account unless you have a preexisting non-Hampshire account you would like to access.

Log in to Qualtrics

Qualtrics FAQ

In addition to the wealth of documentation provided by Qualtrics, here are a few quick tips for items we know Hampshire users will want to know.

How do I get a Qualtrics account?

Accounts are automatically provisioned; you will need to log in to Qualtrics for the first time to have your account created. You will be asked if you already have a Qualtrics account. Most users can click on "No" and will be all set. If you have a preexisting non-Hampshire account and want access, you should click "Yes."

How do I receive an email when someone responds to a survey?

  1. Edit Survey (aka Project)
  2. Under the Survey tab, Click the Tools menu
  3. Go to Triggers and then Email Triggers
  4. Enter your email address, and click Save Triggers

What are Distribution Options?

  • Anonymous Link (or "Get a single reusable link"): This means you can share a link to the survey, and anyone can use that link to respond. This is most similar to the Form Generator. See below for how to limit responses to Hampshire community members. 
  • Email (or "Compose Email and Send with Qualtrics"): This method is for distributing a survey to a specific group of people. You upload a contact list to Qualtrics and send an email out to those contacts through Qualtrics. This method lets you keep track of who has responded, but it also means only the people on your contact list can respond to the survey. 

How do I transfer ownership of a form?

There are a couple of IT staff members who are Qualtrics admins and can do this for you. Submit an IT web ticket on TheHub to request a transfer of form ownership; be sure to include the name of the current form owner, the name of the soon-to-be form owner, and the title of the form.

How do I make a survey require a Hampshire login to submit a response?

  1. Edit Survey (aka Project)
  2. Under the Survey tab,  Click on Survey Flow
  3. Beneath the Default Question Block, click on the Add a New Element Here link.
  4. Choose Authenticator
  5. Set Authentication Type to SSO
  6. Deselect Associate Respondent with Panel
  7. Change SSO Type to Shibboleth
  8. Find the Move link in the Default Question Block (above the authenticator block you just created).
  9. Click on the Move link and drag the Default Question Block down into the authenticator block you just created.
  10. Click the Save Flow button at the bottom right.

How do I capture someone's name or email address without having those fields on my form?

You have the ability to automatically record someone's name and/or email address when they fill out a form if you require them to be logged in with their Hampshire username or password.

  1. Follow the above steps to require a Hampshire login to submit a response to your form.
  2. In the survey flow section, check the box labeled "Capture respondent identifying info" and set the below options before saving the flow.
  • For first name: Change the field on the left from "Embedded Data to Set" to "First Name" and change the field on the right from "Field from SSO" to "givenName."
  • For last name: Change the field on the left from "Embedded Data to Set" to "Last Name" and change the field on the right from "Field from SSO" to "sn."
  • For email address: Change the field on the left from "Embedded Data to Set" to "Email" and change the field on the right from "Field from SSO" to "email."

How can I learn more?

Qualtrics has extensive documentation available on their Learn the XM Platform support pages.