Course Reserves

Course reserves are Hampshire and Five College-owned or instructor-provided material that support teaching and learning at Hampshire College.


For Instructors

Hampshire and Five College items

All reserves will be processed on a first come, first served basis. We ask that faculty submit reserve requests at least four weeks before the start of the semester. Please allow requests submitted on or after the start of the semester at least seven days to be fulfilled.

Fill out the online form for all course materials you would like to place on reserve. Up to 25 items may be placed on reserve for each course.

Print items can be placed on reserve for the entire semester. Items on reserve can be checked out for four hours at a time and may leave the library.

Films that are not being streamed will be placed on four-hour reserve for a designated two-week period during the semester.


Our eBooks can also be placed on course reserve. For eBooks Hampshire already owns, find the citation for the ebook in Discover and add the item’s information to your course reserves request form. To include an eBook in your Moodle course page, copy the "Hampshire: Link to Resource" link.

Personal copies

Instructors may place personal copies on reserve for the semester. Drop off any personal copies at the InfoBar and fill out the Library Reserves Form. Copies of this form are also available at the Infobar. 

A library barcode and reserve tape will be affixed to each item. We will take reasonable precautions to protect and secure these items while on the reserve shelf, but they may become damaged during use. The library cannot be held liable for damage due to normal wear and tear, or for items that go missing. Personal items will be returned via campus mail at the end of the semester.

Ordering new items for reserve

If items need to be ordered for course reserve, please contact your librarian as soon as possible. It can take several weeks to receive and process a new item for the collection.

Before requesting a new item, please check Discover to ensure we do not already own it. Books and DVDs owned by Five College libraries that are available for circulation can be placed on reserve and do not need to be ordered. Once the order has been approved, submit a separate print course reserves request form and specify that the item has been ordered.

Items not eligible for reserve

  • Interlibrary loan items (i.e. items not owned by the Five Colleges)
  • Optional or supplemental readings from course syllabi
  • Items from Archives and Special Collections
  • Entire issues/volumes of a journal

For any questions or clarification, contact us at, or 413.559.5440.