Search Div IIIs
Div III online archive
- Div IIIs that have been submitted electronically (since 2006) can be found on Hampshire's Div III online archive. This database is accessible only on the Hampshire campus or with a Hampshire username and password. Please contact us if you are unable to access what you need for research. We are currently developing a new system that will be available starting in the summer of 2017.
Div III print archive
- Print Div III's are shelved on the second floor of the library or in the Div III showcase on the main floor of the library
- Browse a list of them, in paper or online, using the library catalog and searching for call numbers that begin with "div iii"
- Or limit your search to Hampshire and go to the Advanced Search page. Use the Format drop-down menu to limit your search to "Theses" and search the Div III collection by keyword.
Note: The library's Div III collection is not complete. We only have Div IIIs from students who have volunteered to archive their Div IIIs.