Loan Extension Policy / Exceptional Request Process

Loan Extension Policy/Exceptional Request Process

Students interested in extended loans or other exceptions to the Media Services Loan Policy must expect to be in conversation with faculty in their Div III committee as well as media services staff well in advance of their desired date of loan and be ready to follow this procedure:

1. Student confers with Div III committee about the need for an exception.

2. Student emails written request* to and Div III committee faculty.

3. Faculty member voices support or concern in reply to the above email.

4. Media services approves or amends requests in email response

5. On the agreed-upon date, the student signs the loan agreement; and checks out the equipment

6. Loan agreement, email exchange, and written request are stapled together and held until all equipment is safely returned. 

A Written Proposal must include:

  • Student name and entering year
  • Student phone number and email
  • List of all items being requested, including all cables and accessories.
  • The desired date of check-out and the desired date of check-in. Must be specific.
  • Location(s) for project and mode of travel.
  • List of committee members.

Requests are considered by staff in the order of receipt, pending faculty approval, as well as against other requests. Student’s technical proficiency and loan record are also important factors for consideration.

Staff reserves the right to deny requests that could unfairly deprive fellow patrons of access to the equipment necessary to complete their work over the semester.