Valedictory Letter from Board Chair Luis Hernandez

Dear Hampshire College Community,
With great pride, honor, and joy, I have served for over eight years as a Hampshire Trustee and Board Chair. During this time, I’ve met students completely excited by the College’s learning process, faculty who have stoked the fires of inquiry, and staff whose dedication and hard work have truly moved mountains.
As a member of the first class at Hampshire, I am enormously grateful to the teachers, mentors, and lifelong friends who have inspired me across decades to support the College we all love. These relationships validate over and over again the reason for serving and being part of our Hampshire community. We all took a risk and succeeded.
Please join me in welcoming Jose Fuentes 05F as our new Board Chair starting January 1st. Jose and the entire Board of Trustees are committed to Hampshire’s success in new and innovative ways. We are addressing the challenges facing Hampshire as we move forward—most immediate is the financial sustainability of the institution. Additionally, the Hampshire community continues to heal from a period of instability, with a renewed sense of tolerance and care.
We are entering an exciting period. The College has come together to transform and energize our educational model to attract a new generation of students starting in 2020. Our accreditation is stable, and a vibrant administration is leading the College. With a sense of confidence and fortitude, based on our history of experimentation and risk taking, we can meet the challenges ahead with optimism and direction. This work will reclaim and restore the values we share in Hampshire’s vision and mission.
Moving forward, please consider these steps:
- Tell the world that Hampshire is open and welcoming students
- Encourage financial support for the College via annual giving and the Change in the Making campaign
- Save the date to celebrate the 50th Anniversary on October 16-18
- Stay engaged and involved in our community, and keep sharing your Hampshire story
Lastly, I feel immense gratitude for serving on the Board of Trustees and for the everlasting Hampshire friendships – we are family!
Luis Hernandez 70F