Sri Lankan Writer and Hampshire Alum Kanya D'Almeida 06F Shortlisted for 2021 Commonwealth Short Story Prize

The Commonwealth short story prize is an international award given annually to promote talented new and emerging voices and bring them to a global audience.
Hampshire College alum Kanya D'Almeida 06F, a Sri Lankan writer and journalist, was recently shortlisted for the Commonwealth short story prize. The Commonwealth short story prize is an international award given annually to promote talented new and emerging voices and bring them to a global audience.
The 2021 shortlist is comprised of only 25 writers from over 50 countries, out of a total of over 6,000 entries.
While at Hampshire College, D'Almeida studied English and political science. She holds an M.F.A. in fiction from Columbia University’s School of the Arts and is the host of The Darkest Light, a podcast exploring birth and motherhood in Sri Lanka.
Watch an interview of Kanya D'Almeida with Roel Raymond: