Drawing Strength and Inspiration from the Hampshire Community

How does a community create meaningful dialogue about difficult issues? How do we use critical inquiry to address pressing challenges?

These are the questions Hampshire is grappling with as we near the end of 2016. And as always, I find myself drawing strength and inspiration from this community — from the passion, intelligence, and bravery of our students, faculty, staff, and alums.

In other words, you.

You know that to know is not enough.

You know that the world needs people who are unafraid of the difficult, messy, unpredictable, sometimes contentious process of change, who see change as a necessity and a moral obligation, especially in complicated times. And when have times not been complicated?

When you give to the Hampshire Fund, you join us in our commitment to these principles:

  1. To insist on diversity, inclusion, and equity from our leaders and in our communities, and the right to think critically and to speak openly about the historical tensions that exist throughout the country.
  2. To constructively and peacefully resist those who are opposing these values.
  3. To actively and passionately work toward justice and positive change on our campus and in the world.

Please make your gift by December 31. If 1,450 alums make a gift — of any amount — a generous donor has pledged an extra $60,000.


So as we look back on a challenging year, we also look forward to what the future brings.

This is Hampshire’s time. Let’s embrace it together.


Jonathan Lash, President


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