Hampshire College Hosts Inaugural Harm Reduction Teach-In

On Saturday, November 12, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Hampshire will hold its first “Harm Reduction Teach-In” for the Five College community in Franklin Patterson Hall. A variety of local organizations and activists, as well as Hampshire student and staff speakers will present activities and resources. 

Cindy Marty Hadge from the grassroots peer support, advocacy, and training organization Wildflower Alliance will deliver the keynote address, tackling themes of healing and trauma. Following Hadge’s opening will be a screening and moderated panel discussion of the documentary Say it Nicer, which combats the stigma surrounding drug use.

In the afternoon, the College will hold a Naloxone (NARCAN) training course, and attendees can choose to participate in a variety of harm reduction workshops.

The teach-in is part of the College’s ongoing work to reimagine campus safety and strive towards a model rooted in community response and harm reduction. “As abolitionists across the country engage in the work of redefining safety and transforming harm without the forces of police or prisons, Hampshire College has sought to reimagine what cultivating safety and well-being could mean for higher education,” said Senior Director of Student Affairs Matt Lewis.

Please click here to register for the event. 

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