Professor Alan Goodman featured in Discover Magazine and Two Podcasts Focused on Race and Structural Racism

Goodman published on the topic of race and biology in Discover in June 2020. His article “Race Is Real, But It’s Not Genetic” examines science’s often dangerous conflation of outcomes and genetics.
Hampshire College Professor of Biological Anthropology and former president of the American Anthropological Association Alan Goodman was featured on the Human Biology Association’s podcast SoS. In the episode, titled “How the Outside Gets In,” Goodman and Tom Leatherman, a professor of anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, discuss biocultural issues of structural racism and embodiment.
In another podcast, Goodman and fellow past president of the American Anthropological Association and Professor of Anthropology Yolanda Moses discuss the key roles they played in shaping American anthropology’s public-facing conceptions of race over the past several decades, including the publication of the second edition of their groundbreaking book Race: Are We So Different?
Goodman also published on the topic of race and biology in Discover in June 2020. His article “Race Is Real, But It’s Not Genetic” examines science’s often dangerous conflation of outcomes and genetics.
From the Discover article:
“The reality is that socially defined racial groups in the U.S. and most everywhere else do differ in outcomes. But that’s not due to genes. Rather, it is due to systemic differences in lived experience and institutional racism.”
Goodman teaches and writes on the health and nutritional consequences of political-economic processes such as poverty, inequality, and racism. His current research includes projects on malnutrition in Mexico and Egypt, and the stresses of slavery in New York.