Sean Wilde 21F Brings Lambing Back to the Hampshire College Farm

For his Division III project, recent graduate Sean Wilde 21F designed and launched a sheep-breeding program at the Hampshire College Farm — bringing lambing back to campus for the first time in years. With his research, planning, and fundraising, a new flock of Katahdin ewes is now settling in, with lambs expected this spring.
When Wilde transferred to Hampshire, he came for the animals — and quickly became a driving force behind one of the farm’s most exciting new chapters. Working closely with the livestock team, Sean spent every semester (and two summers) on the farm crew and used his Division III project to reestablish a full sheep-breeding program. From conducting breed research and figuring out grazing plans to creating a detailed lambing handbook, he laid the groundwork for a flock of Katahdin ewes. Now lambing is returning to the Hampshire Farm, and offering renewed hands-on learning opportunities. for students.
We spoke with Wilde about his Hampshire experience, his time on the livestock crew, and what it means to leave behind something lasting.
What attracted you to Hampshire?
There were many draws to go to Hampshire, the first being its unique academic style. Hampshire offered a learning experience that I really enjoyed. Not only is it a test-optional school with no grades, but also the experience is personalized. I’m a hands-on learner and someone who requires more feedback than a letter grade. Hampshire provided a space where I could get my hands dirty and gain physical experience as well as receive detailed feedback.
The College also drew me in with extracurricular activities such as martial arts and blacksmithing. These clubs are student run, which I found really helped me engage with my community. The farm, however, was the main draw, as I knew I wanted to work with animals.
What did you originally want to study? Did that change while you were here? If so, how?
I originally wanted to study mechanical engineering. In fact, I didn’t attend Hampshire my first year of college, but I soon realized that a career path in mechanical engineering was not for me. As cool as it would be, I knew I wouldn’t be happy and wouldn’t feel fulfilled. I then decided I needed to change concentrations, and for that, I would need to transfer. I transferred to Hampshire for my second year with a focus on animal sciences.
Tell us about your Division III project.
My Div III, “The Hampshire College Farm Sheep-Breeding Program,” is a project I created to bring sheep back to the farm. Hampshire had earlier had a sheep-breeding program, but at the time I was a student here, the farm was buying in sheep to raise. Why buy sheep when we could just have our own? I asked myself, and I knew what I wanted my Div III to be.
Research was the first step: What breed of sheep would best fit Hampshire’s farm? How would we get the sheep? How would we care for and breed them? I started to raise money for my Div III as I researched and visited other farms, and ended up raising more than $1,000. I planned what breed we would get and how to care for the sheep during breeding and birthing. I made a guide and protocol that taught how to care for them and what to look for during these processes.
Are you still connected to the Hampshire College Farm?
My current connection to the Farm is more informal than when I attended Hampshire. However, I still love to visit, especially when it hosts events. I’d like to say I became close with many of my coworkers on the livestock crew and my supervisors, Livestock Manager Charlotte Senders and Farm Director Emily Landeck. I’ve felt really proud watching my Div III progress even after having graduated. It’s like leaving a legacy, a legacy that I know is in good hands.
Any staffers here who were especially inspiring and supportive?
Center for Design Facility Coordinator Mary Katherine Cleary helped me tackle many of my projects. For example, she, along with her students, helped me with building a cow shade structure, and it’s currently being used in the pastures at the farm.
Emily has more knowledge on the vegetable side of farming, but she was able to use her experience to teach me things that would be helpful to know on any farm. She taught me so many things, from how to operate a tractor to maple sugaring.
And since day one, Charlotte helped me grow as a student, worker, and person. She is someone who inspires me every day. She helped guide my Div III in the direction I wanted and supported me with resources and connections. She taught me how to be a good employee and coworker. She’s helped me set boundaries and stand up for myself. She taught me how to care for animals. I’m really grateful to her, as she’s a big part of the reason I am where I am.
Anything else you’d like to tell us?
At Hampshire, I learned a lot and gained a lot of experience. But I also gained a community, a people. I found not only friends, but also family. I got to live outside of my comfort zone, and I enjoyed it, with people I came to love. Thank you, Hampshire College, for providing me the opportunity to grow, and for being the anchor point of so many great things in my life.