Alterations to Campus Buildings or Grounds

Facilities and Grounds

No employee, student, or contractor is authorized to make any alterations to campus facilities or grounds without consent from the Senior Director of Facilities and Grounds or designee. This policy applies to all properties owned, operated, leased, or stewarded by Hampshire College, including undeveloped, wooded, farm, or vacant land. Hampshire College Facilities and Grounds is obligated to adhere to local, state, and federal building codes and legal requirements and we kindly ask you to refrain from any behaviors that you are not authorized by the College.

Smaller Projects

Small projects (examples include, but are not limited to, painting, office moves, installation of built-ins, changes to entrances such as ramps, doors, and door openers/push pads, and requests for fit and finish changes such as flooring and light fixtures) should be sent to the Senior Director of Facilities ( and  for discussion and possible scheduling.  Please note that the scope of the project may change due to budget and/or logistics (such as scheduling, the need for outside contractors, or the presence of materials requiring special handling), but every effort will be made to perform work that is in line with College initiatives.  Work may be declined due to special factors, such as the presence of regulated materials and conflicting building use needs. Once approved, you will be asked to submit a work order.

Small projects should be requested under the general guidance of your Division Head and should be consistent with the goals and plans of the division and the College as a whole. Please note that project requests may be declined if the area was already evaluated for this program and did not qualify for a priority list.

Larger/Potential Capital Projects

Capital Projects are projects that may cross divisional boundaries and engage multiple stakeholders, alter existing spaces on campus and change their intended use, or provide significant upgrades to existing buildings. They may also be smaller, more contained projects, such as the purchase of furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Whether a project is approved depends on the urgency and priority of the project (determined by, among other things, the College’s current strategic goals), as well as the total cost relative to institutional resources.

Capital Projects are generally defined at Hampshire College as the performance of work that adds or replaces durable elements and/or the purchase of durable (non-consumable) materials at a cost of $5,000 or more. The $5,000 threshold may be reached via a single item or piece of work, or by grouping like work or items (i.e. flooring replacements throughout a programmatic area, a comprehensive light renovation of a space that includes new flooring, access changes, and furniture and equipment).  

If a Facilities and Grounds capital request is approved, the project is given a dedicated GL number, and is not included in the operating expenses budget. To get a GL number, please contact the Senior Accountant ( This is the only way to obtain proper funding for a capital alterations project, departmental budgets are discouraged for these types of projects.

Departments with a potential facilities capital project that consists solely of the purchase of furnishings, equipment, etc. are invited to scope and propose their own project, with assistance from the Purchasing Office as needed. Completed proposals may be sent to their division head, the senior director of facilities, and the VPFA/Treasurer for review and discussion.

At any time, the VPFA/Treasurer or designee may choose to engage another department that needs to weigh in on the project, including (but not limited to) Information Technology, Environmental Health and Safety, Campus Safety and Wellbeing, and other campus stakeholders who may be affected by the work.  

Departments with a potential facilities capital project that requires on-site work (carpentry, electrical, grounds, etc.) should first contact the senior director of facilities ( for discussion and the engagement of other parties (Environmental Health and Safety, Campus Safety and Wellbeing, Information Technology, etc.) as needed. Facilities can assist with determining the scope and budget of the project with tools including alternatives assessment, contractor procurement, capacity for in-house work, and more. Please note that many projects will require the use of an architect or other consultants for code, feasibility, and design; projects that cannot be evaluated without outside expenses may be subject to an additional review before the expenditure is made.

Facilities department help in determining the scope and budget of the project should be considered for informational purposes only and is not a commitment to perform the work; the project must be submitted to the VPFA/Treasurer and senior director of facilities and approved before proceeding. Facilities will also assist as needed in the implementation phase of the project, once approved.

Cross-divisional projects and projects in shared spaces (including any work in multi-departmental buildings such as the Kern Center and Library that impacts access or common spaces) are welcomed and should be developed and implemented collaboratively