Title IX Team

Interim Title IX coordinator:

Amy Fabiano, Working Remotely • 508.926.3395 • afSA@hampshire.edu

Deputy Title IX coordinators:

Amanda Surgen, Associate Director of OPRA • Robert Crown Center • Box OP • Hampshire College • Amherst, MA 01002 • 413.559.5754 • aksOP@hampshire.edu

Carolyn Strycharz, Director of Student Affairs - Student Wellness & Divisional Projects • Merrill Student Life Center 2nd Floor • Box SA •  Hampshire College • Amherst, MA 01002 • 413.559.5746 • cstrycharz@hampshire.edu

You may contact any member of the Title IX Team if you:

  • Wish to understand your options if you think you may have encountered sex discrimination or sex-based harassment;
  • Need to report prohibited conduct in violation the College’s Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedures;
  • Are a potential complainant and you seek guidance on the College’s Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedures, informal resolution, and/or supportive measures; and/or
  • Have questions about Hampshire College's Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedures.


Conversations with Title IX Team kept as private as possible and steps will be taking to limit the disclosure of information shared with the Title IX Team and during the Title IX process to only those individuals who have a need to know.  Additional information about privacy can be found in the College’s Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedures.