Sexual Offense Resources

Hampshire College believes that sex is an experience that should be freely chosen, respectful, consensual, and enjoyable. We strive to create a violence-free campus and are committed to implementing prevention strategies and providing victims/survivors with support, services, and information.

Resources for Students Regarding Sexual Violence

If you are in need of support, please use the resources listed below during the academic year.

Individuals on campus have been identified to a survivor without revealing any personally identifying information about an incident to the College. A survivor can seek assistance and support from these individuals without initiating a College investigation that could reveal the survivor’s identity or that the survivor has disclosed the incident.

While maintaining a survivor’s confidentiality, these individuals or their office(s) should report the nature, date, time, and general location of an incident to the Title IX coordinator. This limited report--which includes no information that would directly or indirectly identify the survivor--helps keep the Title IX coordinator informed of the general extent and nature of sexual violence on and off campus so the coordinator can track patterns, evaluate the scope of the problem, and formulate appropriate campus-wide responses. Before reporting any information to the Title IX coordinator, these individuals will consult with the survivor to ensure that no personally identifying details are shared with the Title IX coordinator.

Contact Information:

  • Emily Rimmer, director for Queer/Women Services, Center for Feminisms 413.559.5320

A survivor who speaks to a professional or non-professional counselor or advocate must understand that, if the survivor wants to maintain confidentiality, the College will be unable to conduct an investigation into the particular incident or pursue disciplinary action against the alleged perpetrator. A survivor who at first requests confidentiality may later decide to file a complaint with the school or report the incident to local law enforcement, and thus have the incident fully investigated. These counselors and advocates will provide the survivor with assistance if the survivor wishes to do so.

Even so, these counselors and advocates will still assist the survivor in receiving other necessary protection and support, such as victim advocacy, academic support or accommodations, disability, health or mental health services, and changes to living, working, or course schedules.

NOTE: While these professional and non-professional counselors and advocates may maintain a survivor’s confidentiality vis-à-vis the College, they may have reporting or other obligations under state law.

Taken from: Hampshire College Student Handbook, “Privileged and Confidential Communications,” (accessed 2 Sept 2014). 

The College has designated Amy Fabiano as Hampshire College's Title IX coordinator. The Title IX coordinator can be contacted at or For more information on Title IX, read more here.

The College's sexual misconduct policy can be found here.

Local Resources

  • Center for Women and Community (sexual offenses, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence)
    • Address: University of Massachusetts Amherst, 180 Infirmary Way, New Africa House Amherst, MA
    • Contact: 24-hour hotline and 24-hour medical advocacy, 413.545.0800
  • Safe Passage (domestic violence)
    • Address: 43 Center Street, Suite 304, Northampton, MA
    • Contact: 413.586.1125
  • Alianza (domestic violence)
    • Address: P.O. Box 1099 Holyoke, MA 01041-1099
    • Contact: 413.536.1628
  • Massachusetts Rape Crisis Centers

Non-Local Resources


If you have questions about this information, support options, or resources, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 413.559.5412 or email