Social Media Guidelines
Social Media Policy
Hampshire College's social media channels encourage active participation. However, content that includes profanity, personal attacks, commercial promotions or is otherwise deemed inappropriate based on Hampshire's community standards may be deleted by the page administrators.
Norms for Community Living
Each member of the community has rights that afford personal protection and ensure the College’s commitment to learning and the advancement of knowledge through free inquiry. No member of this community shall violate the rights of any other member, as represented by the norms described in this document.
All persons affiliated with Hampshire College are expected to abide by the Norms for Community Living and college policies while they are on the Hampshire College campus and while off campus when participating in college programs and activities.
Right of Freedom of Communication of Ideas
All members of the Hampshire community have the right to freely express their ideas provided that the method of expression does not violate any other rights affirmed by this document. Any member of the College has the right to publish and distribute without interference. However, while such members may not be subject to prior restraint, they shall be held accountable for any erroneous, malicious, or defamatory statements that violate any other right affirmed by Hampshire's student handbook.
Personal Integrity
Every member of the college community has the right not to be the subject of slander or libel, and not to have their character impugned.
Right of Personal Security
Every member of the Hampshire community has the right to reasonable security from threat or physical abuse or mental anguish by any other person or device or substance controlled by any other person.
What is Hate Speech?
Hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group.
What you can do on Facebook
Any person can block posts from other users appearing in their feed or comments. This is a good means of action if a person is not violating the community norms, but you are personally not interested in viewing their posts.
Users may also report any posts directly to Facebook as qualifying as Hate Speech.
If you feel that a post has violated the above norms for community living, please message the page or contact the page administrator.