Health Careers Advising
Health Careers Advisory Committee at Hampshire College
Our Mission
The purpose of the Health Careers Advisory Committee at Hampshire is to help interested students and graduates learn about the various health-related professions, evaluate their career goals and, ultimately, gain admission to professional schools when appropriate.
The Committee offers support, resources, and services that include:
- frequent individual meetings with faculty and staff on the Health Careers Advisory Committee
- assistance with keeping you on track
- Introducing you to a more senior student (peer advisor) who is further along the path than you.
- access to our resources, including books and URLs
- communication through a health professions list serve
- assistance in obtaining:
- clinical experiences
- research experiences
- community service involvement
- assistance with the application process
- advice on preparing for the admissions tests
- reviewing personal statements
- writing and submitting the committee letter
- advice on interviewing and mock interviews
- time and stress management advice and services referral
Committee Members
John Castorino, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology
Faculty Chair, Health Careers Advisory Committee
Elizabeth Conlisk, Ph.D.
Professor of Public Health
Member, Health Careers Advisory Committee
Cynthia Gill, Ph.D.
Dean of Natural Science, Cognitive Science, and Critical Social Inquiry; Associate Professor of Physiology
Member, Health Careers Advisory Committee
Rayane Moreira, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry
Member, Health Careers Advisory Committee
Sign up for office hours with faculty for help with classes and other concerns. For an appointment with Carin Rank about requirements and applications, go to or call 413.559.5445.