Path to Purpose: Division 3

Remember, you can always schedule an appointment with a SPARC career counselor to discuss how to best apply this roadmap to your individual path. 

A PDF version of this page is also available for download here

For each of the suggested actions outlined below, we've curated some desired outcomes.


Attend a Div III Design Your Life after Hampshire workshop.

  • Seek and leverage diverse resources and feedback to inform your direction

Design a Div III in an area that excites you.

  • Develop advanced skills and connect with those working in your field of interest 

Attend job, internship, and grad school fairs at the five colleges and virtually. 

  • Establish relationships with people who can help you professionally

Continue to use Handshake to find employers, events, and jobs of interest.

  • Attend events to learn more about employers and apply in a timely manner

Develop a professional portfolio or enhance your LinkedIn.

  • Showcase your work, projects, and your “brand” in alignment with your personal values

Update/refine your resume and professional portfolio. 

  • Showcase various skills that correspond to specific job opportunities 

Apply to grad school or get yourself ready to apply after graduation. 

Join SPARC Jobseekers mailing list to learn about jobs received via email, some from alums.

Ask alums and others in your area of interest for job search advice (esp. who are willing to “Open Doors at Workplace” on the Hampshire Network.)

Reflect on your Hampshire experiences and translate your acquired skills into job application materials (resume and cover letters).

Schedule a mock interview with a SPARC counselor.

  • Practice communicating your unique Hampshire education to future employers
  • Demonstrate verbal and non-verbal/body language, abilities

Ask faculty and/or other supervisors to write letters of recommendation or serve as a reference.