Anne Pinkerton 91F
Director of Communications and Marketing

Anne Pinkerton has worked in marketing communications for more than 20 years, with content strategy and storytelling at the heart of her job. In her current role as director of communications and marketing at Hampshire, she enjoys sharing the successes of the College's faculty, alumni, and students through web stories, social media, print mailings, digital advertising, and email marketing.
Her personal writing has been published in magazines and literary journals, including Entropy, Hippocampus Magazine, Modern Loss, The Bark, Ars Medica, Sunlight Press, and River Teeth Journal's “Beautiful Things,” among other publications.
Her memoir, Were You Close? a sister's quest to know the brother she lost, published in 2023.
Anne received an MFA in creative nonfiction from Bay Path University. She studied poetry at Hampshire and her Div III was a collection titled, “Smoke Signals.” Find her online at AnnePinkertonWriter.com.