Transfer Academic Resources
Whether you have concerns about your divisional work (and what's a division, exactly?), finding an advisor, forming a committee, or navigating a classroom setting without grades, the Center for Academic Support and Advising (CASA) can assist you. CASA is the place to go for general academic support or questions relating to planning your course of study at Hampshire.
Zena Clift 90F is the senior associate dean of advising, and the dean who works with all transfer students. You can meet with any of the deans in CASA, but Anne is the person to speak with if you have transfer-specific questions. Email CASA or call 413.559.5498 to set up an appointment with a dean.
In addition to CASA, there are plenty of other academic resources at your disposal. The SPARC Office(Supporting your Purpose through Action, Resources, and Connections) is also a great place to get valuable information about internships, another great opportunity to take advantage of while you are at Hampshire. SPARC's website also includes information on applying for grants that can be of tremendous help financially, should you decide to take on an internship during your time here.