Theatre Board

Theatre Board is the representative student body that has been created to facilitate the process of running the production component of the Hampshire Theatre Program.

The board oversees functionality and the budget of the non-academic theatre program. In addition, Theatre Board functions as a resource to the Hampshire community: for funding, equipment, and general help in any theatre event.

Serving on Theatre Board requires full commitment to the program and the specific position to which one is elected.

The academic component of Hampshire College Theatre is managed by the theatre faculty; therefore, Theatre Board does not have influence over any student's academic standing.

Theatre Board Positions

Facilitator: The facilitator holds the position for a two-semester term, and will present agendas and run the weekly meetings. The facilitator is listed as the Theatre Board contact to the administration and the community.

Budget Coordinator: The budget coordinator holds the position for a two-semester term. The budget coordinator keeps the financial records of the Theatre Board, and is the liaison to any people or groups seeking financial arrangements with the Theatre Board.

Secretary: The secretary holds the position for a two-semester term. The secretary is responsible for taking notes during all Theatre Board meetings. At the end of the semester the minutes are organized and placed into the Theatre Board Archives.

Space Monitor: The space monitor holds the position for a two-semester term. The space monitor holds the keys to the spaces and assures that the spaces are being used properly and safely. The space monitor is also responsible for scheduling the two spaces and keeping the space calendar current.

Community Contact: The community contact holds the position for a two-semester term. The community contact disperses Theater Board and Theatre Program information to the community through all available modes of communication.

Faculty & Staff Liaison: The faculty/staff liaison holds the position for a two-semester term. The fac/staff liaison serves as the key communication between the faculty, staff and Theatre Board.

Property Monitor: The property monitor holds the position for a two-semester term. The property monitor is responsible for all lending of props, costumes, and other theater equipment.

Archivist: The archivist holds the position for a two-semester term. Their role is to maintain theatre records which include Production Photos and Video, Div II, and Div III portfolios.

Dance & Theatre Liaison: The dance and theatre liaison holds the position for a two-semester term. Their role is to facilitate communication between the dance and theatre programs about upcoming auditions, events, and technical needs.

Delegate: Delegates hold the position for a one-semester term. There are one to two delegates on Theatre Board each semester. Delegates are asked to take on a series of responsibilities that vary according to what is going on in Theatre Board and the Hampshire theatre community at any particular moment. Often, delegates take on a series of projects throughout the semester to assist in improving the program and Theater Board's efficiency.

For more information about Theatre Board, contact