Job Search Guide
A career is more than a job; it's about how you want to live your life. Our Job Search Guide outlines the fundamentals of an effective job search strategy.
SPARC (Supporting your Purpose through Actions, Resources, and Connections) can help with every stage of your job or internship search, including finding your direction, researching opportunities, and applying for positions.
Hampshire students and alums have strong skills and diverse, unusual experiences. An effective job search involves understanding your skill level and the types of jobs you qualify for, finding opportunities through networking and research, preparing your application materials, and interviewing.
Internships are a form of experiential learning where you learn about a career that interests you through direct experience in that field. Internships are similar to a summer or part-time job, but are more focused on the learning that takes place as a result of the work you're doing. Participating in an internship can help develop your knowledge, skills, and connections, and can make you a more desirable candidate when you apply for jobs or graduate programs. Not sure about your career direction? An internship could help to inform your next steps.
A career is more than a job; it's about how you want to live your life. Our Job Search Guide outlines the fundamentals of an effective job search strategy.
A collection of resources to aid you in your search. Here you'll find local opportunities, as well as positions all over the country.
Finding a great job or internship is only half way to landing a position. To get the position, you need to make your application materials the best they can be.
Make connections and find resources for students and alumni.
A great resource for students and alums seeking career advice or affinity groups.